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Need to be the Tooth Fairy? Here’s What to do!

Need to be the Tooth Fairy? Here’s What to do!

Losing a tooth is so exciting because it means they are due for a visit from the Tooth Fairy! This is such an exciting time in a child’s life, and a great opportunity to create lasting memories for your child. There are so many creative things that go beyond just putting money under a pillow nowadays. Keep reading for some ways from Dr. Barton Soper, Dr. Lauren Lewandowski, Dr. Mohammad Mainayar and Dr. Gabriela Aragon at Advanced Orthodontics to make your child’s visit from the Tooth Fairy a lot more exciting!

  • Leave a note – A simple way to make the Tooth Fairy seem a little more believable is with a note. If you want to go the extra mile, you can buy or print out fairy themed stationary here or sprinkle some “fairy dust” on the card!

  • Tooth Fairy pillow – Who really leaves their tooth under their pillow anyway? Eliminate the risk of having to reach under your child’s pillow and wake them up – instead either buy or craft a Tooth Fairy pillow. These pillows have an adorable tooth shaped pocket where your child can leave their tooth for the Tooth Fairy to pick up!

  • Deliver the money in style – If you are opting to give your child money for their teeth, spruce up this gift with this super-cute printable that makes whatever amount of money you’re giving them a lot more magical!

  • “Fairy Money” – Give your child the most beautiful dollar bill he or she will ever lay eyes on. Give them money that glitters by following the simple instructions here.

  • “Tooth Fairy Dust” – Before bed have your child sprinkle some glitter dust outside your home (on the grass or sidewalk so you don’t have a mess in your home) so the tooth fairy knows which house to visit!

Be the best Tooth Fairy of all time by sprinkling in these special little upgrades! These little additions will make the Tooth Fairy experience a blast for the entire family. These ideas will make for a Tooth Fairy your child will never forget! As always, please contact our office if you have any questions or if we can help in any way.

Some Simple Tips for Better Flossing

Some Simple Tips for Better Flossing

While brushing your teeth is essential for maintaining good oral health, flossing (while more commonly forgotten about) is just as important! Flossing helps to prevent gum disease, cavities, and bad breath. Most people skip flossing because it can seem tricky or time consuming. However, flossing isn’t hard at all if you know what to do. After all, floss can reach places in your mouth a toothbrush can’t. Below are 3 secrets from Dr. Barton Soper, Dr. Lauren Lewandowski, Dr. Mohammad Mainayar and Dr. Gabriela Aragon at Advanced Orthodontics to make flossing simpler.

  • Be Generous! – Flossing isn’t as simple as one would think, which is probably why so many people view it as a nuisance and choose to skip it. Fortunately, floss is an inexpensive product, so you don’t need to be conservative with it. Having a generous supply of floss makes it easier for you to use a clean section for each tooth, which is far more hygienic than the alternative.

  • Be Gentle! – You don’t want to jam the floss in between each tooth with too much force or vigor. Vigorous flossing won’t produce positive results and will actually be uncomfortable and/or painful. Flossing slowly and steadily is the way to go!

  • Get a Grip! – Make sure the floss is securely held or even wrapped around your fingers. Having a firm grip allows you to have the most control over where the floss goes and how much pressure you apply!

Next time you brush your teeth, make sure you take the time to floss as well. Your mouth will thank you! Be sure to incorporate the tips above to make flossing simpler! As always, we are here to help. Please don’t hesitate to contact our office with any questions you may have.

10 Chipped or Cracked Tooth Treatments

10 Chipped or Cracked Tooth Treatments

Chipping or cracking a tooth is a terrifying thing to think about. However, if you can be prepared, it might not turn out to be the nightmare you expected. Read on for our best solutions on how to handle a chipped or cracked tooth and avoid dental distress from Dr. Barton Soper, Dr. Lauren Lewandowski, Dr. Mohammad Mainayar and Dr. Gabriela Aragon at Advanced Orthodontics.

First, you need to identify if you have a cracked or chipped tooth. While it’s pretty easy to notice a broken tooth at the front of your mouth, here are some other symptoms you should be on the lookout for, especially for those teeth you can’t easily see:

  • Sudden sensitivity to cold foods or drinks
  • An irritated tongue from rubbing against a tooth’s jagged surface
  • Pain when biting or putting pressure on the tooth
  • An irritated gum line around one tooth
  • Feeling a rough, uneven, or jagged edge on the surface of the tooth when you run your tongue over it

If a cracked or chipped tooth occurs, the most important thing is to take action. Call your dentist’s office immediately and try to schedule an appointment. Additionally, if a piece of your natural tooth is missing, try to keep it safe to bring to your dentist. You can take over-the-counter pain relievers and eat soft foods to keep discomfort at bay in the meantime.


  • Reattachment – In some cases, the dentist can cement the missing piece back onto the chipped or cracked tooth.
  • Reshaping – If you have a small tooth chip, this issue can potentially be corrected by simply reshaping the tooth (by smoothing and polishing the affected area).
  • Filling – If you have a more significantly sized problem, they will simply fill in the hole or crack left if the tooth is unable to be reattached.
  • Bonding – This is when the crack is filled in using composite resin (which is matched to the individual’s tooth color). This bonding material will be shaped to imitate your natural tooth.
  • Veneers – This may be a good option for those larger chips or cracks that affect the front teeth. They will take an impression of your tooth and then affix a veneer that imitates the shape of your natural tooth on top of what is left of your current tooth.
  • Onlay – These are used on molars that have lost a lot of tooth or have a fairly major crack. These are typically made of either porcelain or dental gold.
  • Crown/Cap – This is recommended when a larger portion of the tooth breaks off. The crown will be fitted to the top of the tooth to cover the missing enamel.
  • Root Canal – This may be a good option if there is confirmation that the damage has reached the pulp or root of your tooth. This is a more invasive procedure that keeps you from losing your tooth and is accompanied by a crown.
  • Extraction & Implant – If your cracked or chipped tooth is beyond repair, you may have to have your tooth extracted and a dental implant will replace the cracked or chipped tooth.
  • Tooth Splint – If your tooth is cracked, not chipped, a tooth splint may be possible. The damaged tooth can be bonded to an adjacent healthy tooth, and allows the surrounding bones and gums to recover.

If you have a chipped or cracked tooth, make sure you take steps as soon as possible to do something about it. Be sure to consult your dentist about which treatment is best for you, and they will help get you fixed up! As always, please contact our office with any questions you may have.

Essential Daily Care Practices for Your Teeth

Essential Daily Care Practices for Your Teeth

Maintaining your health and wellness is a crucial part of living a long and enjoyable life. This includes taking good care of your teeth on a daily basis. While you should visit your dentist at least twice a year for a regular checkup and cleaning, they alone cannot account for your teeth health. Thus, the rest of the year it is up to you to take the best care of your teeth possible! Keep reading for some advice from Dr. Barton Soper, Dr. Lauren Lewandowski, Dr. Mohammad Mainayar and Dr. Gabriela Aragon at Advanced Orthodontics on how to keep your pearly whites shining bright!

Here are some simple things you should be doing daily to ensure your teeth remain healthy:

  1. Brush your teeth at least twice a day – You should brush your teeth every morning and every evening at least. However, if you want to keep your breath fresh, a quick brush after lunch never hurts! In addition, make sure you are using a toothpaste with fluoride. Fluoride helps prevent tooth decay by slowing the breakdown of enamel and increasing the rate of the remineralization process.

  2. Floss between your teeth every day – Don’t forget to floss! Flossing can also help lessen your chances of heart disease. Additionally, both brushing and flossing help to keep plaque formation at bay. Plaque is a sticky substance that forms on your teeth and can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. 
  3. Cut down on sugary food and drinks – High sugar foods are not good for your teeth!

  4. Don’t smoke or chew tobacco.

  5. If you drink alcohol, drink only in moderation.

Taking care of your teeth and gums is especially important if you: have diabetes or cancer, are an older adult, and if you’re pregnant. However, regardless of medical conditions, everyone should take care of their teeth seriously. Let us help you take great care of your teeth! Please don’t hesitate to contact our office if you have any questions about oral health or how to take care of your teeth.

A Smile A Day

A Smile A Day

A smile a day does a lot more than just make you appear happy, it can actually have positive benefits for your overall health! Your dentist and orthodontist are hard at work helping you create and maintain teeth that will keep you smiling for a lifetime. While smiling can seem very superficial initially, a beautiful smile can actually have a positive impact on your overall well-being in addition to making you feel great. There has actually been a proven link between the act of smiling and feeling happy! Continue on for some advice from Dr. Barton Soper, Dr. Lauren Lewandowski, Dr. Mohammad Mainayar and Dr. Gabriela Aragon at Advanced Orthodontics about why smiling is important.

Here are some facts and statistics about smiling:

  • Smiles can use anywhere from 5 to 53 muscles in your face.
  • Smiles can be contagious! People actually have trouble frowning when looking at others who are smiling and find themselves subconsciously beginning to smile as well.
  • Smiling can actually boost your immune system and your physical health as well, allowing you to live up to seven years longer!
  • It takes less effort to smile than it does to frown! It takes around 50 muscles to make a frown, but only about 13 to produce a smile.
  • A smile is the most recognized facial expression.

There are several reasons to smile each day, make sure you’re finding them! If you are not confident in your smile, consider talking to your orthodontist to see how they can help you achieve your most radiant smile! Contact our office with any questions you may have about your smile or treatment options, we are here to help.

Orthodontics for Every Stage of Life

Orthodontic treatment isn’t just about enhancing appearances; it’s about fostering lifelong confidence and dental health for individuals of every age group. Today, adults are increasingly aware of the significance of a captivating smile and its enduring impact.

In an era marked by longer life expectancies, the value of a healthy, appealing smile remains consistent regardless of age. At Advanced Orthodontics, Orthodontists Dr. Barton Soper, Dr. Lauren Lewandowski, Dr. Mohammad Mainayar, and Dr. Gabriela Aragon, equipped with specialized education and expertise, cater to patients of all ages, ensuring well-aligned teeth and jaws that contribute to sustained dental well-being.